Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Rain Again

So what do I do when I see an oncoming storm? Why I get out the trimmer and trim the lawn up of course. And boy howdy was it a storm. It's the south, and it's practically July really there ain't gonna be a cooler time to do yard work than right before a storm.

There was some intense lightning preceding the storm. I finished while rain drops started falling. And then the bottom just fell out. So I got half the yard work done anyway. The storm kind of died down and then started again a few times over. There was that eerie light that comes as the sun is setting with clouds on one side... the sunset on the other.

All the thunder and there was lots, woke up, or rather kept up my 2-year-old. For some two hours. Finally there was just lightning, like hundreds of flash bulbs. Pretty to watch, but not much else. At least not to those trying to sleep.

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